Thursday, December 11, 2008


A friend just sent me an email with a link for a short film about validation. I enjoyed it so much that I'm posting it here for you all to enjoy, hopefully, as much as I did.

After you watch the flick, come back here and comment, if you can, on what you thought. Validation, do we need it to be happy? Do we seek it out subconsciously? And if we get it, can we become addicted to it, like a drug?

I'm curious to know what YOU think....


  1. OH my Gosh!! So Cheesy and I loved it!!! Wow....makes you think....treat others like you want to be treated. Not so difficult, so where have we went wrong?

  2. I agree with you. Where HAVE we gone wrong? It's not that difficult at all to say something nice to someone, anyone, once a day. Right? My quandry with the video is whether or not we as a human race feel like we are obsessed with the need for validation. Interesting topic huh?
    Thanks for commenting Eter, you're the best...

  3. Although it's always great to hear from others "hey great job", or "gee you look really nice today", our validation should never come from anyone but ourselves. If we become addicted to the need to be validated from others, what happens when we don't get that "fix?" LOVE THYSELF!
