Sunday, November 1, 2009

How many train wrecks do we need to see before we lose touch?

Jack Johnson finishes that lyric with "Where did all the good people go?"

A couple of weeks ago there was a huge wind storm on Madison Ave, no, I'm not lying, really, it was like being back in Texas in the middle of a Tornado, for real I was coming back from my power walk at lunch around the reservoir (I know who you are that are laughing at me calling myself a power walker just know that lol) and I turned the corner onto Madison to be literally almost knocked down by this huge gush of wind! It was so strong in fact that the street signs were whirling like in the Wizard of Oz movie, the trees were swaying in the medians and papers were flying every where. I looked down the ways a bit and I saw a poor lady with a toddler, a huge stroller and some bags--before I knew it the stroller was going one way with the toddler still holding on to it, his backpack had been literally blown off his little back, the bags were going the other way.. so I ran as fast as I possibly could against this ferocious wind and grabbed the toddler with one hand and the stroller with the other while the woman ran after her bags--she looked over at me and literally almost began to cry--when she finally got herself together she said to me "Oh my goodness, thank God for you! I would have never been able to make it if you wouldn't have helped me out!" The toddler was still crying so I was trying to help calm him down, I helped her put her bags into the stroller (mind you she was probably 5ft tall and 100 lbs soaking wet) and when I stood up she immediately jumped to hug me. I accepted the hug, and then I said "No worries, I'm glad I could help." Now, I'm in NO way a Saint, I don't profess to be one, claim to be one or attempt to be one, but I DO consider myself one of "the good people" that Jack's asking about.

The sad part of that story is that at least 5 people walked right around her before I even got to her.

So here's what I think; Don't be one of those 5 people. I think that most of us are actually good people, we're just busy and sometimes we lose focus on what's important in life. Being kind and humane shouldn't be things that have to be taught, they should be things that are innate in much better would this world be if they were? Can we re-learn how to be? I think so.

Night good people ;)

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