Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun

How funny is it when you come across a long lost blog that you started but never kept up with you ask? Pretty darn funny!

I'm sure you're asking, how did you let that happen Tonya? I mean, I read your blog, lived by your blog, entertained myself with your blog, kept time to your blog, and then, one day, you just stopped writing, what happened?

What happened was, I suck at updating blogs. I think I've started 3 or 4 of them over time and then something happens (obviously something grandiose enough to drag me away from writing a blog) and I just stop.

Trust me my fans, it was never my intention to let you down. I swear. I'm sure all the excuses in the world are never going to convince you, my fan, my dear worthy, trusty reader, that it wasn't. So I am here to make it up to you, somehow, someway. Maybe I'll just start by making a few promises:

I promise;
1)to post something interesting, funny, clever, witty, profound or poignant at least once a week
2)to try to post something interesting, funny, clever, witty, profound or poignant...
3)to post

I hope you accept my deepest apologies and know that I will attempt to not have to apologize for my prolonged absence, again.

Ok, you can all rest easier now I'm sure. I'm back...... For now!



  1. I am your fan, Biatch!!


  2. That's it I'm not reading your stuff any more! Vote Republican and can you guess who I am? You konw I love you!
